Articles about Ben Robinson

Monte Carlo • Nice • St. Tropez • Aix en Provence • Gassin

Card juggling at Hotel Negresco, Nice
July, 2000– Ben Robinson’s restless Sagittarian spirit recently visited and gave impromptu performances in 5 French cities in 10 days, while working on a “secret project.”

Danish patrons at the Bello Visto applaud his famous signature trick and dagger deception.

A silk scarf cavorts on the quai in St. Tropez at Cafe Senequier

From the mysterious 12th century Saracen hilltop village of Gassin (widely referred to as “the town of sorcerers”) to the chic resorts of Saint Tropez, the principality of Monte Carlo and the gardens of Cezanne, Robinson’s wizardry made fans and friends of the French.

Entertaining harbor visitors with a yacht line (L), and relaxing with Martyn Bedford’s Houdini Girl

For our French readers, you can read Ben’s modern (and autobiographical) history of the bullet catch, “Douze en sont mort” in the articles section of

A stunned server cannot remove his fingertips from a table in Aix-en-Provence
A wizard’s welcome!
Immediately upon his return from France to the US and New York City, Ben Robinson met with master showman and past-President of the International Brotherhood of Magicians, Seaworld (FL) star, Bev Bergeron at the famous theatrical restaurant in Times Square, Joe Allen’s. Robinson and Bergeron first met when Robinson performed in Orlando for the CEO’s of American Express.